GMEA provides clients access to  inherent capabilities  to unlock previously unrecognised value. Significant increases in the Net Present Value (NPV) of between US $450 Million to US $5 Billion per project have been identified through the IP, technologies, methodologies and software GMEA has access to (a whole systems approach that facilitates the emergence of counterintuitive solutions).

“Traditionally, mining companies are structured for functional excellence in each of their specialised processes. GMEA’s unique approach applies integrated processes, systems, and technologies to observe the whole system to identify the hidden value.”

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Providing a professional, multidisciplinary consultancy service that supports all facets of mining and energy developments.

GMEA consultants are trained by global experts in their field. They were carefully selected and underwent rigorous training. They are certified in the Global Mining Company Intellectual Property, which includes the methodology and technology. In collaboration with GMC, the methodology is customised to be Africa-centric while ensuring global excellence at the same time.

Our Whole System Approach ensures that every operational challenge in any commodity can be addressed. Although the same structured process is followed – all solutions are unique for each operation. Each ore body is different as a result of the structural variability of that specific ore body.

The factor differentiating GMEA from all other consulting companies worldwide is that each project delivers a workforce with the required business literacy to sustain the discovered value.


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Human Resources: Systems & Consulting

GMEA has the expertise to consult and guide client users on a wide variety of human resource management systems and processes. Our consultants ensure that the systems align with business value drivers, operating philosophies, and technical business models. We ensure that the outputs we deliver on projects will be compatible with the client-specific people management platform.


GMEA‘s B-Smart HR system is a comprehensive business oriented management tool and has the following modules which can be selected by clients:

Job design and organisational structuring (workflows, work cycles, scopes of work, role profiles, workforce plans, and colourful and symbolised organograms)

Payroll management (people bio database, remuneration systems and quantum, hourly and monthly management quantum, etc.)

Staff money matters and conditions of employment/benefits management (which align with payroll management).

Industrial relations management (attendance, disciplinary record management, labour relations critical factor data, etc.)

Business and manpower on-time surveys (annual/monthly/ weekly surveys via laptops or phones, align with industrial relations and performance management results at all levels and departments in a company)

Training and development with talent and succession management integration (detailed learner management system aligned to budgets, internal training actions, external providers, occupational qualification controlling and standards institutions, etc.)

Recruitment and selection (actions from workforce plan compliance/non-compliance, role profiles, inherent position requirements, qualification, and skills requirements, integrate psychometric results in the decision-making model, candidate short-listing and electronic selection system)

Performance management (linking business value drivers to levels of work competence requirements on a vertical and horizontal scale, talent management and workplace skills plans and budgets)

Reward and recognition (align all results to creating a learning and stable organization)

Catered To by a Team of Excellence

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“Providing step change value discovery and sustainable growth to mining and energy companies whilst elevating the entire workforce competency level to a global standard.”

Why Choose Our Services?

Our team works diligently to provide  highly flexible solutions for mining and energy companies. Our IP and technologies are recognized for the following:

  • Decades of combined expertise and experience in mining and mining-related disciplines with value realization of US$23.2 Billion.
  • Unique combination of consulting, decision-making software, and business literacy elevation.
  • Our agile approach to helping diverse mining institutions with assessment, design, implementation, continuous monitoring, evaluation, and improvement.


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