We have access to IP, processes, methodologies, and technologies that have led to significant value creation across the globe over the last 27 years

Our skill is to unlock unrecognised value in mining companies and stabilise operations by strengthening inherent and new capabilities below and above the ground.

Combining years of industry knowledge with innovative technologies, GMEA offers an unrivaled range of solutions across the mining and energy value chains. Understanding our customers’ needs  will enable us to deliver  effective solutions and services to mines across Africa.

GMEA will remain at the forefront of its industry by continuously introducing forethought and new technologies to bridge gaps between the inherent characteristics of the ore body and the required product at the highest possible value and lowest cost platform.

We can proudly say that  clients have embraced the Global Mining & Energy Africa IP, methodology, and  leading-edge technologies.. Our team is also recognised for providing safety, human resource, monitoring, and control systems, all while aiming for small carbon footprints and holistic energy solutions.


GMEA’s task Is to identify sources of instability and then work with the client to:

  • Develop strategic, often tailored, operating philosophies that create sufficient time and space to optimise the mine’s available capacity.
  • Develop solutions to increase system capability.
  • Effectively cap the system throughput at levels where performance is stable and continuous improvement efforts are sustainable.
  • Elevate the workforce to a global standard of business literacy.

Essentially, GMEA works with executives and managers to absorb variability like structural variability, environmental, social, and market constraints while also overcoming the challenges of extracting ore from the ground. We do this through assessment, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

“We’re a team of mining and related professionals that have joined to form an organisation capable of providing comprehensive consulting, decision-making software solutions, and implementation services to the mining value chain.”


Our Services


Training & Development

Brokering Deals


Green Fields Development

Offering sustainable mining solutions

GMEA sees a Supercycle in mining in Africa developing soon as a result of the need for new energy solutions and the massive development in the use of batteries. The mining industry and the energy sector go hand in hand in the development of sustainable energy solutions.

The new approach to energy in the name of the New Green Deal has a direct influence on the mining industry. Generating power through solar and wind turbines is very mineral intensive, and it will take massive investments in new greenfield developments over a relatively short time period.. By 2035 around 200 copper mines will have closed, and the grades of the old large mines will drop significantly. At the current rate of mine development these mines will not be replaced in time. .

By 2026 the demand for lithium will outstrip the supply. Cobalt and nickel will be in the same situation between 2028 and 2032. There are currently not enough mines in operation to make the New Green Deal a reality. It is beyond the bounds of possibility to see how wind and solar will replace coal and natural gas as the providers of a sustainable base load of energy.


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Why partner with Us?

Our team works diligently to provide a highly flexible approach. The process, technology and methodologies we have access to have a track record of successful solutions for mining companies across the world. Our IP, technologies and software solutions are recognised for the following:

  • Decades of combined expertise and experience in mining and mining-related disciplines.
  • A streamlined deployment of evidence-based performance improvements.
  • An agile approach to helping diverse mining institutions with assessment, design, implementation, and continuous monitoring, evaluation, and improvement.


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